Concrete Delivery Common Terms


The chemical substance added to the concrete mix design that increases the hydration rate while reducing set time.


Material added in small quantities to the mix design to create a modification to the chemical or physical properties when the concrete cures. Three common admixtures used in concrete production are for:

  1. Air entrainment; 
  2. Curing time; and 
  3. Plasticity.


The crushed stone, expanded materials, particles, rock, and/or sand that generally makeup 75 percent of concrete by volume. Aggregates improve the formation and flow of the cement paste while also improving the structural performance.


Find ground powders that harden when mixed with water.

Cement-Aggregate Ratio

The proportion of cement amount to the aggregate amount in a mix design, determined by weight or volume. 

Compressive Strength

A structural material’s ability to endure compression from external forces.

Concrete Finish

The hardness, smoothness, and/or texture of the concrete surface.

Concrete Mixture

The percentage of cement powder included in the concrete.


Occurs when proper moisture and concrete temperature are met in the early stages to ensure the concrete’s final strength develops. 

Curing Blanket

A layer of suitable material, such as burlap, sawdust, or straw, placed on top of fresh concrete then moistened to maintain constant humidity and temperature for hydration.

Exposed Aggregate Finish

This type of finish washes the cement/sand blend from the aggregate’s top layer. It’s frequently used in exterior surfaces, such as driveways and patios.


Temporary forms or structures, usually made with plastic, metal, and/or wood, used during concrete placement to secure the concrete shapes to the desired final form.


The chemical reaction that happens when cement powder mixes with water.

Initial Set

The initial amount of stiffening between the cement powder and water. It’s generally declared as an empirical value that shows the hours and minutes necessary for the cement paste to harden enough to resist the predetermined penetration depth of a weighted test needle.


The method of placing and consolidating concrete.


The property of fresh concrete which defines how easily it molds and/or resists deformation. 

Reinforced Concrete

Concrete with added steel bars to enable a higher tolerance for stress and tension.

Release Agent

A material used to prevent the placed concrete from bonding with the forms and other surfaces.

Set Time

The length of time necessary for the concrete to harden or set enough to resist a measurable amount of penetration.


The distance freshly mixed concrete settles after lifting a slump cone from the test sample, measured in inches. 

Unit Water Content

An amount of water per unit volume usually stated in gallons or pounds per cubic yard. It doesn’t include any aggregate water absorption.


Vigorous agitation of concrete during the placement process using mechanical electric or pneumatic devices to create vibratory impulses. The impulses help evenly distribute and consolidate the concrete inside the formwork.

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Quality Concrete

Whether your next project needs bulk concrete or a small amount of concrete, make Fulford & Jones, Inc. your first call in Wilson, NC, and surrounding areas.

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