Asphalt Paving FAQ

Yes. A crew uses full-depth removal or milling to remove damaged and/or worn asphalt which is then hauled to a processing facility. There, the reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is crushed and screened to separate the asphalt cement-coated aggregates for reuse.

It’s made by blending together five percent asphalt cement and 95 percent aggregates, commonly gravel, sand, and stone.

Generally, an asphalt surface lasts 10 years to 20 years but can vary based on:
  • The amount and type of traffic;
  • Base conditions;
  • Climate; and
  • Pavement maintenance.

Usually within two days to three days but weather conditions affect the length of time.

Generally, they’re caused by at least one of the following factors:

  • Base failure from heavy loads;
  • Weakened base and/or subgrade from poor drainage; and/or
  • The asphalt was too thin.

It’s a liquid form of emulsified acrylics or bituminous-based products which protect the asphalt from oil, water, and U.V. intrusion. These intrusions reduce the functional lifespan of the surface.

It depends on your specific situation. A parking lot with cosmetic wear-and-tear is more apt to benefit from asphalt repair while a surface with a long history of major repairs is often a good candidate for replacement.

Usually a minimum six months but some asphalt surfaces need more than 12 months to fully cure because of its oil base. The length of time is necessary for the liquid inside the asphalt mix to fully harden.

The tracks usually appear during the first year after placement as the asphalt continues to cure and are not uncommon. If you notice indentations, these too settle and smooth over time and disappear from sight.

A good rule of thumb is every three years to five years. As long as a quality sealcoat is in place, the functional lifespan of the asphalt should withstand normal wear and tear.

Although many factors affect asphalt deterioration, four of the most common include:
  • Poor drainage;
  • Inadequate air temperature during placement;
  • Insufficient or improper base compaction; and/or
  • Over or under asphalt compaction.

Although most surfaces are designed to last at least a decade, regularly applying a sealcoat and repairing potholes and surface cracks are most common for maintenance.

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